Virtual Silcton

Silcton Navigation


This is now the actual study website. As explained before, you will first need to read and sign below consent form if you want to participate. As before, you are free to decide against it; just press 'I decline' or leave this page. Again, the collected data is completely anonymous and no unauthorized person can access them.
If you agree to participate, you will first be asked to fill out some questionnaires regarding demographics and spatial abilities. In the demographics questionnaire, we are only interested in your gender and education level; you can leave all other questions as they are [unfortunately, this questionnaire is fixed in this form and cannot be changed]. On each page, press 'I am finished' once you are done.

Your main task will then be to explore the Silcton virtual environment. During the exploration, imagine that in the future your task will be to guide newcomers around campus. So try to remember the environment's layout, so you will find your way around.
The virtual environment may need some time to load (up to a minute or so); so please be patient and wait for it. You can move around the environment using the mouse/trackpad and arrow keys.

In principle, you have unlimited time to explore. Once you feel confident that you understand the environment's structure, or you do not want to continue exploring, press the 'I am finished' button. If you cannot see this button, try to zoom out of the webpage (to about 80%); the button should become visible then.

After exploring the environment, there will be some more tasks for you to do. Please be aware that some of them consist of several pages; please answer them all.
Overall, we estimate the experiment to take 45 minutes. Thank you very much once again for your participation!



Informed Consent
Web Data Release

What we are asking

This form requests your permission to share material from this session in a secure, web-based data library. Material from this session may include answers and results from testing tools; other information such as age, birth date, sex, ethnicity, education, and self-reported health information; and information supplied by researchers who analyze data from this session. The library allows only authorized researchers to have access to shared information. Data sharing will lead to faster progress in research on human development and behavior.

Giving permission to share your information in the data library is separate from consenting to participate in a research study. You do not have to give permission to share your information in the library. Your choices will not affect receipt of payment if offered for participation in this or future studies.

Will the information be confidential (kept private)?

No information will be included in the data library about how to contact you. No data files will be identified by anyone’s name. The authorized researchers with access to the library have agreed not to reveal the identities of people in the library.

Who has access to information in the library?

Only authorized researchers will have access to information in the library. Researchers who are granted access must agree to maintain confidentiality and not use information for commercial purposes. Researchers promise to treat information in the library with the same high standards of care that they treat information collected in their own laboratories.

How long will information remain in the library?

Information in the library will be preserved indefinitely in a secure location so that future researchers can use it. Permission to share can be revoked, but information previously shared cannot be retrieved. To revoke sharing permission, contact Steven Weisberg,


There will be no compensation for sharing information in the library.


All people in the session must decide whether to provide permission for the following: Permission to share with authorized researchers.

I give permission to share the material from this session with authorized researchers in a secure data library:

We will give you a copy of this form and the signature page for your records. If you have any questions about the data-sharing library or about your rights as a research participant, you may

I Decline

This study is administered by Triphose Khonde of Umea University.